When children enter preschool programs, strong partnerships between home and school can support positive family relationships and promote learning at home. One way to encourage positive connections within families is by teaching adults in the home to use the Powerful Interactions™ framework with kids. Meaningful learning opportunities can be easily incorporated into everyday routines.
The book Powerful Interactions: How to Connect with Children to Extend Their Learning (Dombro, A.L., Jablon, J, Stenson C.) explores how adults can Be Present, Connect and Extend the Learning. Early learning teachers are in a position to inspire primary caregivers—moms, dads, aunts, uncles, grandparents —to use the approach to support interactions with young children at home.
Kristan Stewart-Henry and Amber Friesen, “Promoting Powerful Interactions Between Parents and Children, Teaching Young Children, August/September,” Teaching Young Children, Vol 11, No. 5 (August/September 2018). Retrieved from NAEYC website.